Friday, October 11, 2013

The Search Begins...

It has been on my "to-do" list to build my family tree and see how far back I could go. 

All I can say is that it has been interesting...and the same time.

My maternal side of the family I could go back relatively far, but on my paternal side I feel like I constantly hitting dead ends. My dad came over to this country, so I am first generation American on his side. My maternal grandmother came over from the former Yugoslavia when she was six and my maternal grandfather's parents came over from there as well. So I am fairly close to my European roots. 

I ended up purchasing the expensive and hopefully well-worth it subscription to But I soon found that I didn't get as far as I had expected to, unfortunately. But I still search on. 

Good thing has forums where people ask about certain surnames. There I discovered a great site that has several resources for people with relatives from Slovakia: Good thing I like to search and I didn't just stop at my dead-end in I found a wealth of information on this site, which led me to yet another site, where I found even more information. 

I will keep searching and learning. Hopefully the road blocks I hit will soon be cleared.

Happy hunting, Michelle!

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